Education and science

Education is an extremely important direction of work of the Ukrkoopspilka. Under its protection, the Higher Educational Establishment of the Ukrkoopspilka “Poltava University of Economics and Trade” works at, Lviv Trade-Economic University, Vinnytsia Cooperative and Khmelnytsky cooperative trade and economic institutes, 20 colleges. These establishments provide a continuous system of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists for consumer cooperatives and other sectors of the state and non-state sectors of the economy.

In cooperative institutions of higher education, younger specialists, bachelors and masters are trained in the following specialties: Entrepreneurship, trade and stock-taking activities; Hotel-restaurant business; Right; Finance, Banking and Insurance; Management; Accounting and taxation; Tourism; Food Technology, etc.

The universities have specialized scholarly councils for the defense of dissertations for the degree of doctor of philosophy and doctor of sciences. Postgraduate and doctoral programs work efficiently.

The educational process in cooperative institutions of higher education is provided by 95 doctors of sciences and professors and 470 doctors of philosophy and associate professors, more than 50% of college teachers have a higher qualification category and a pedagogical title “teacher-methodologist”.

Ukrkoopsilkoy systematically and successfully implemented the principles of high-level higher education. This is facilitated by the activities of educational complexes “Academy” and “Osvita”, which includes all cooperative institutions of higher education. Priority directions of their work are substantiation of goals and values ​​of cooperative education, development of advanced teaching technologies, teaching and methodological support, informatization and computerization of educational process.

The institutions of higher education of Ukrkoopspilka are modern and creative. Each one has a modern material and technical base, developed infrastructure, a high level of educational process, scientific researches and developments are being carried out here, and urgent social problems are solved. Lecture rooms, offices, laboratories are equipped with modern educational equipment, multimedia complexes.

The best students take part in the competitions held by the cooperative educational institutions, according to the results of the research work, scientific-practical conferences, reviews-contests for the best research work of the students are organized.

Today, 23 thousand boys and girls study in cooperative institutions of higher education.

In the international orbit of the higher education institutions of Ukrkoopspilka Union, 24 countries: USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Poland, Latvia, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Morocco, China and others.

Graduates of higher education institutions of the Ukrkoopspilka are in demand in the labor market, they have good knowledge for a successful career.

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